Advanced Training for Practitioners with Case Study Group


Life’s too short not to develop what you love and what you are here to offer. Jump into developing your Ayurveda practice and join our Monthly Membership Circle of Ayurveda Educators, Counselors, and Practitioners.



With Monthly Circle Meetings, our private online community, review lessons, and guest speakers, you’ll feel more supported in your Ayurveda practice.

Each Monthly Circle Meeting is dedicated to unpacking a Case Study. We’ll share the case with all members one week before the meeting so you can dive into your own research, study, and approach, and we’ll dive in together and come up with a plan of success, with Rose and Meredith leading the way.

Meredith and Rose both have several years educating Ayurvedic practitioners and working with clients in the field of Ayurveda. They’ve envisioned collaboration for many years and are excited to bring it into form with this Membership Circle.

Meredith brings her vast knowledge and understanding of the Vedic Sciences, Western Herbalism, Somatics, and Yoga Therapy and Rose brings her deep experience and Knowledge in the Vedic Sciences, Meditation, and Depth-Psychology. It’s a Membership that simply cannot be missed! Join today.



Develop yourself in a Community of like-minded.

This online Membership Circle will show you step-by-step how to unpack seemingly difficult cases. In addition to our live/online Monthly Circle, you’ll have access to printable materials, guest  speakers, 1:1 with Rose and Meredith, and the online membership community forum.

Not sure if you want to commit to something regular?

You can also sign up on a one-off basis to join each Monthly Circle as a guest, but it will not come with all the other benefits.


There are so many people looking for natural methods of supporting health and balance. Whether they are looking to complement their protocol given by their primary physicians and/or specialists or they are looking for alternative support, you are in the field to provide them with support.

With this Membership Circle, you’ll learn how to:

  • Find Professional Support and make new friends
  • Share your case studies to polish your skills for your intakes and recommendations
  • Deepen your knowledge of Ayurveda protocols
  • Gain greater confidence in your Ayurveda Practice
  • Deepen your pulse-taking skills
  • Create greater results with your clients
  • Receive supervision and loving support from established Ayurvedic Practitioners with over 30 years of experience
  • Discover and deepen your knowledge of herbs including Vaidya Mishra’s formulas, Western herbals, Banyan Botanicals, MAPI formulas, and more!
  • Stay connected with our private community here in the Membership portal to share case studies, recipes, product referrals, trainings, and share the results or challenges you are having in our online community.
  • Access to discounted 1:1 mentoring available with Rose and/or Meredith.

After just one month, you’ll discover how supportive this community is and you’ll also have many tools you need to get started in the development of a fulfilling and successful practice.



Consulting your clients is an art form and a technical skill of its own. In our Monthly Circle, you’ll learn how to evaluate the case presented with an understanding of the general characteristics of the imbalance as well as the individualized expression. And, you’ll learn how to develop a protocol specific to the case, using Ayurvedic logic which is element-based, not symptom-based. This Monthly Case Study includes:

  • 1 Case-Study sent one week prior to the meeting so you can investigate, research, and develop your own approach and questions
  • Monthly Group Case Study Call that explores the Holistic approach (includes balancing the body, the mind/emotions, the energy channels, and the relationship to Soul) of Ayurveda and this specific case.
  • 1 finalized and written protocol for the case study for you to file away and refer to as you need.

After each monthly call, you’ll be ready to think Ayurvedically about possible future cases like the one presented.


CREATE & SYNTHESIZE YOUR APPROACH Ayurveda Approaches To Emotional Balance And The Highly Sensitive Person

Connect with your previous studies in Ayurveda in a whole new way. Begin to put together the pieces and develop your Ayurvedic logic with:

  • Refine your Pulse Diagnosis skills
  • Develop Your Protocol Workbook
  • Shared Ayurvedic Protocols (treatments, formulas, and practices) for Specific Modern Imbalances
  • Facilitate Home Rejuvenation Panchakarma Program for your clients

You’ll feel more confident and ready to start thinking like an Ayurvedic practitioner with regularly downloaded materials and regular practice in Pulse Diagnosis.



Continue to deepen your understanding and skillset as you build your practice. Gain the confidence you’re looking for through connection and support of the community.

  • 24/7 access to Online Discussion Forum
  • Discounted 1:1 mentorship calls with Rose and/or Meredith
  • Discounted workshops with Special Guests in the Ayurvedic profession.

You’ll find the support you’re looking for to get your practice up and running, moving smoothly, and steeped in knowledge and inspiration.


We met just about 9 years ago in the Bay Area of California where we discovered our shared love of the Vedas, Ayurveda, and our beloved teacher, Vaidya Mishra. Our friendship and collegial relationship quickly grew. We’ve been talking about collaborating more deeply for many years and we’re so happy to finally be doing it. We hope you join us!

We believe that everyone has the capacity to be a wonderful and successful healer and practitioner. And, to tap into this capacity takes a willingness to stay curious in the exploration and the uncovering of the truths of Ayurveda. This is because Ayurveda is a science – and science is always changing and upgrading while it leans into its foundational principles and language.

Consider this Monthly Mentorship Circle as a way to join us in our more private conversations on how we handle difficult imbalances. Learn how we work with clients to discover rejuvenation and the inner healing intelligence within. Refine your ability to read and take the Pulse.

You’ll discover that you actually have the knowledge and skill inside of yourself already, you just have to learn how to access, clarify, and synthesize it.

That’s what this membership is all about. Accessing, clarifying, and synthesizing what you already know so that you can help people live healthier and happier lives. Through our monthly circles and our online portal, we can help you make a positive impact on the world around you.

Whether you’ve never had a client before and you’ve just graduated, or you’ve had quite a few and want to refine,  we look forward to taking this journey together.

COST – $99 per month subscription or one time $149


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