The clocks are turning back on November 1st and the nights will be long during this continuing pandemic and political storm. Research shows that social isolation is more dangerous to health than alcoholism and obesity. So even though it’s not going to be in person, gathering via phone or zoom can create connection. Our gathering our quiet conversations and mutually supportive. It’s low key and intimate. Join me either once or twice a week for positive and uplifting support.
As we move through this unprecedented period, it is normal to experience intense and oscilating emotions. This support group helps to focus on moving through emotions through somatic practices, and offer positive solutions to stay calm and remain in your own inner light, your own positivity. It’s an opportunity to share your experiences, or a poem or song, or just be present for others. This is not a group that will focus on negativity but will allow you to process out what is not helpful to you anymore, it’s a way to keep your head above the waters rather than drown in darkness. It’s way to find connection on the shortest days of the year as we head into winter. Sessions are 75 minutes and held every Tuesday at 7:00 pm starting on October 26 and running until the end of December. In addition, I will be offering a daytime one at 4:00 pm every Thursday starting on Thursday, October 29th. You can join either once or twice week, it’s $5.00 per session or $10 for twice a week. FYI, this is not a therapy group, but a support group for those who get down in the dark weather. In addition, I will be offering a closed group which means the same people each week with a limit of 7 people in the group. To register for the support group and receive the zoom link please email me at Rose’s Ayurveda Learning Circle or call me at 847 636 2744